Two-Stage Stochastic Program


First let's consider a standard two-stage stochastic program. Such problems consider 1st stage variables $x \in X \subseteq \mathbb{R}^{n_x}$ which denote upfront (here-and-now) decisions made before any realization of the random parameters $\xi \in \mathbb{R}^{n_\xi}$ is observed, and 2nd stage variables $y(\xi) \in \mathbb{R}^{n_y}$ which denote recourse (wait-and-see) decisions that are made in response to realizations of $\xi$. Moreover, the objective seeks to optimize 1st stage costs $f_1(x)$ and second stage costs $f_2(x, y(\xi))$ which are evaluated over the uncertain domain via a risk measure $R_\xi[\cdot]$ (e.g., the expectation $\mathbb{E}_\xi[\cdot]$). Putting this together, we obtain the two-stage stochastic program:

\[\begin{aligned} &&\min_{x, y(\xi)} &&& f_1(x) + R_\xi[f_2(x, y(\xi))] \\ &&\text{s.t.} &&& g_i(x, y(\xi)) = 0, && i \in I\\ &&&&& h_j(x, y(\xi)) \leq 0, && j \in J\\ &&&&& x \in X\\ \end{aligned}\]

where $g_i(x, y(\xi)), \ i \in I,$ denote 2nd stage equality constraints, $h_j(x, y(\xi)), \ j \in J,$ are 2nd stage inequality constraints, and $X$ denotes the set of feasible 1st stage decisions.


For an example, we consider the classic farmer problem. Here the farmer must allocate farmland $x_c$ for each crop $c \in C$ with random yields per acre $\xi_c$ such that he minimizes expenses (i.e., maximizes profit) while fulfilling contractual demand $d_c$. If needed he can purchase crops from other farmers to satisfy his contracts. He can also sell extra crop yield that exceeds his contractual obligations. Thus, here we have 1st stage variables $x_c$ and 2nd stage variables of crops sold $w_c(\xi)$ and crops purchased $y_c(\xi)$. Putting this together using the expectation $\mathbb{E}_\xi[\cdot]$ as our risk measure we obtain:

\[\begin{aligned} &&\underset{x, y(\xi), w(\xi)}{\text{min}} &&& \sum_{c \in C} \alpha_c x_c + \mathbb{E}_{\xi}\left[\sum_{c \in C}\beta_c y_c(\xi) - \lambda_c w_c(\xi)\right] \\ &&\text{s.t.} &&& \sum_{c \in C} x_c \leq \bar{x}\\ &&&&& \xi_c x_c + y_c(\xi) - w_c(\xi) \geq d_c, && c \in C \\ &&&&& 0 \leq x_c \leq \bar{x}, && c \in C \\ &&&&& 0 \leq y_c(\xi) \leq \bar{y}_c, && c \in C \\ &&&&& 0 \leq w_c(\xi) \leq \bar{w}_c, && c \in C \\ &&&&& \xi_c \in \Xi_c, && c \in C \end{aligned}\]

where $\alpha_c$ are production costs, $\beta_c$ are the purchase prices, $\lambda_c$ are the selling prices, $\bar{x}$ is the total acreage, $\bar{y}_c$ are purchases limits, $\bar{w}_c$ are selling limits, and $\Xi_c$ are the underlying distributions.

Problem Setup

First let's import the necessary packages:

using InfiniteOpt, Distributions, Ipopt

Next let's specify the problem data:

num_scenarios = 10 # small amount for example
C = 1:3
α = [150, 230, 260] # land cost
β = [238, 210, 0]   # purchasing cost
λ = [170, 150, 36]  # selling price
d = [200, 240, 0]   # contract demand
xbar = 500          # total land
wbar3 = 6000        # no upper bound on the other crops
ybar3 = 0           # no upper bound on the other crops
Ξ = [Uniform(0, 5), Uniform(0, 5), Uniform(10, 30)]; # the distributions

Problem Definition

Let's start by setting up the infinite model that uses Ipopt as the optimizer that will ultimately be used to solve the transcribed variant:

model = InfiniteModel(Ipopt.Optimizer)
set_optimizer_attribute(model, "print_level", 0);

Now let's define the infinite parameters using @infinite_parameter:

@infinite_parameter(model, ξ[c in C] ~ Ξ[c], num_supports = num_scenarios)
1-dimensional DenseAxisArray{GeneralVariableRef,1,...} with index sets:
    Dimension 1, 1:3
And data, a 3-element Vector{GeneralVariableRef}:

Now let's define all of the decision variables using @variables:

@variables(model, begin
    # 1st stage variables
    0 <= x[C] <= xbar
    # 2nd stage variables
    0 <= y[C], Infinite(ξ)
    0 <= w[C], Infinite(ξ)

Next, the objective is defined using @objective and 𝔼:

@objective(model, Min, sum(α[c] * x[c] for c in C) +
                       𝔼(sum(β[c] * y[c] - λ[c] * w[c] for c in C), ξ))
150 x[1] + 230 x[2] + 260 x[3] + 𝔼{ξ}[238 y[1](ξ) - 170 w[1](ξ) + 210 y[2](ξ) - 150 w[2](ξ) - 36 w[3](ξ)]

Finally, all we need to do is define the constraints using @constraints:

@constraints(model, begin
    # capacity constraint
    sum(x[c] for c in C) <= xbar
    # balances
    [c in C], ξ[c] * x[c] + y[c] - w[c] >= d[c]
    # crop limits
    w[3] <= wbar3
    y[3] <= ybar3

Problem Solution

With the model defined, let's optimize and get the results

x_opt = value.(x)
profit = -objective_value(model)

println("Land Allocations: ", [round(x_opt[k], digits = 2) for k in keys(x_opt)])
println("Expected Profit: \$", round(profit, digits = 2))
Land Allocations: [48.56, 214.77, 236.67]
Expected Profit: $57099.53

We did it!

CVaR Objective

An interesting modification to the above problem would be to use a $CVaR$ risk measure instead of an expectation. This also can be readily achieved via InfiniteOpt. The $CVaR$ measure is defined:

\[CVaR_\epsilon(X) = \underset{t \in \mathbb{R}}{\text{inf}}\left\{t + \frac{1}{1-\epsilon} \mathbb{E}[\text{max}(0, X - t)] \right\}\]

where $\epsilon$ is the confidence level. Inserting this into the formulation, we now obtain:

\[\begin{aligned} &&\underset{x, y(\xi), w(\xi), t, q(\xi)}{\text{min}} &&& \sum_{c \in C} \alpha_c x_c + t + \frac{1}{1-\epsilon} \mathbb{E}_{\xi}[q(\xi)] \\ &&\text{s.t.} &&& \sum_{c \in C} x_c \leq \bar{x}\\ &&&&& \xi_c x_c + y_c(\xi) - w_c(\xi) \geq d_c, && c \in C \\ &&&&& 0 \leq x_c \leq \bar{x}, && c \in C \\ &&&&& 0 \leq y_c(\xi) \leq \bar{y}_c, && c \in C \\ &&&&& 0 \leq w_c(\xi) \leq \bar{w}_c, && c \in C \\ &&&&& \xi_c \in \Xi_c, && c \in C \\ &&&&& q(\xi) \geq \sum_{c \in C}\beta_c y_c(\xi) - \lambda_c w_c(\xi) - t \\ &&&&& q(\xi) \geq 0 \end{aligned}\]

where $q(\xi)$ is introduced to handle the max operator. Let's update and resolve our InfiniteOpt model using $\epsilon = 0.95$:

Define the additional variables:

@variables(model, begin
    q >= 0, Infinite(ξ)

Redefine the objective:

@objective(model, Min, sum(α[c] * x[c] for c in C) + t + 1 / (1 - 0.95) * 𝔼(q, ξ))
150 x[1] + 230 x[2] + 260 x[3] + t + 19.999999999999982 𝔼{ξ}[q(ξ)]

Add the max constraint:

@constraint(model, q >= sum(β[c] * y[c] - λ[c] * w[c] for c in C) - t)
q(ξ) - 238 y[1](ξ) + 170 w[1](ξ) - 210 y[2](ξ) + 150 w[2](ξ) + 36 w[3](ξ) + t ≥ 0.0, ∀ ξ[1] ~ Uniform, ξ[2] ~ Uniform, ξ[3] ~ Uniform

Optimize and get the results

x_opt = value.(x)
y_opt = value.(y)
w_opt = value.(w)
profit = -sum(α[c] * x_opt[c] for c in C) - 1 / num_scenarios *
            sum(β[c] * y_opt[c][k] - λ[c] * w_opt[c][k] for c in C, k in 1:num_scenarios)

println("Land Allocations: ", [round(x_opt[k], digits = 2) for k in keys(x_opt)])
println("Expected Profit: \$", round(profit, digits = 2))
Land Allocations: [28.58, 0.0, 471.42]
Expected Profit: $-27187.13

That's it!

Maintenance Tests

These are here to ensure this example stays up to date.

using Test
@test termination_status(model) == MOI.LOCALLY_SOLVED
@test x_opt isa JuMPC.DenseAxisArray{<:Real}
@test profit isa Real
Test Passed

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